Lecturas pesca

  • Nov182024

    Quantitative impacts of hydroelectric dams on the trans-Amazonian migrations of goliath catfish

      Impacts of hydroelectric dams ABSTRACT Hydropower expansion is increasingly responsible for connectivity and biodiversity loss in freshwater ecosystems. The…

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  • Nov152024

    Morphological analyses of otoliths indicate a single population of invasive Arapaima gigas in tributaries of the Upper Madeira River (Amazon Basin)

      ABSTRACT The present study aimed to evaluate the potential of the shape of the sagitta otolith to discriminate populations…

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  • Nov082024

    A synthesis of the diversity of freshwater fish migrations in the Amazon basin

      ABSTRACT In the Amazon, the world’s largest river basin, migrations within freshwater habitats are one of the predominant life…

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  • Nov062024

    Migratory Ecology of Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum in the Amazon Basin Revealed by Otolith Microchemistry

      ABSTRACT Fish migrate for varied reasons, including to avoid predators and to access feeding, spawning, and nursery habitats, behaviors…

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  • Nov052024

    Peces del Centro Shuar Kaputna, cuenca baja del río Santiago, Amazonía sur de Ecuador

      RESUMEN Se realizó un inventario de peces en los principales ecosistemas acuáticos del Centro Shuar Kaputna, en la cuenca…

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  • Nov092023
    Monitoramento independente territórios pesqueiros Amazonia

    Monitoramento Independente e Governança de Territórios Pesqueiros na Amazônia

    Monitoramento Independente e Governança de Territórios Pesqueiros na Amazônia é o resultado da iniciativa em parceria entre a Rede de…

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  • Jul302023

    Engagement in a Citizen Science Project in the Amazon Basin

    Citizen science is a growing field that has the potential to better integrate citizens’ demands and concerns into research projects…

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  • Jul292023

    Identificación de potenciales zona de desove del dorado (Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii) en la cuenca Madeira

    El dorado (Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii) es una de las especies de peces amazónicos más amenazadas. En la actualidad, su complejo ciclo…

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  • Jul292023

    Monitoreo de peces killis nativos en la metrópoli de La Paz por cientistas ciudadanos: ventajas y oportunidades

    La Región Metropolitana de La Paz (RMDLP) en Bolivia ha crecido con una planificación mínima, modificando el hábitat natural. Actualmente,…

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  • Jul292023

    Monitoreo pesquero participativo en la Amazonía peruana en el marco de una iniciativa de ciencia ciudadana: motivaciones e intereses de usuarios de ICTIO

    Se presentan las motivaciones, intereses y estrategias usadas por monitores de pesca rurales en dos cuencas de la Amazonía peruana…

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  • Jul292023

    Proactively averting the collapse of Amazon fisheries based on three migratory flagship species

    For Amazon fisheries, migratory species are the most important. They are also now the most threatened directly by some combination…

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  • Jul292023

    The Use of Digital Platforms for Community-Based Monitoring

    Environmental observing programs that are based on Indigenous and local knowledge increasingly use digital technologies. Digital platforms may improve data…

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