Lecturas Humedales

  • Jul292023

    Monitoreo de peces killis nativos en la metrópoli de La Paz por cientistas ciudadanos: ventajas y oportunidades

    La Región Metropolitana de La Paz (RMDLP) en Bolivia ha crecido con una planificación mínima, modificando el hábitat natural. Actualmente,…

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  • Mar172023

    Aportes desde la ciencia ciudadana al Proyecto Tortugas de Bolivia en iNaturalist

    Se presenta un análisis realizado en torno a los aportes de observadores que forman parte del Proyecto Tortugas de Bolivia…

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  • Jul112015

    The use of stable isotopes in studies of nutrient cycling: Carbon isotope composition of Amazon varzea sediments

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  • Jul052015

    Use of Amazonian floodplain trees

      Amazonian floodplain trees are used for a variety of purposes. Easy access to floodplain forests, the variety of timber…

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  • Jul042015

    Phytogeography, species diversity, community structure and dynamics of central Amazonian floodplain forests

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  • Jul032015

    The várzea forests in amazonia: Flooding and the highly dynamic geomorphology interact with natural forest succession

    Although flooding and the highly dynamic geomorphology influence ecophysiology of trees in Amazonian white-water forests (várzea), information about the extent…

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  • Jul012015

    Floodable Forests in the Middle Caquetá Region: Characterization and Succession

    Floodable Forests in the Middle Caquetá Region: Characterization and Succession Los Bosques Inundables de Medio Caquetá: Caracterización y Sucesión Inundation…

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  • Jun302015

    Mixing patterns in Amazon lakes

    The diel mixing patterns of two small floodplain lakes, Lago Jacaretinga in the Amazon drainage, and  Lago Cristalino in the…

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  • Jun282015

    Relationships among nitrogen and total phosphorus, algal biomass and zooplankton density in the central Amazonia lakes

      The relationship among concentrations  of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus  (TP), algal biomass (Chl) and the density and size …

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  • Jun272015

    Deforestation and conservation in major watersheds of the Brazilian Amazon

        Deforestation and conservation in major watersheds of the Brazilian Amazon. Conserving natural vegetation cover is of critical  importance…

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  • Jun252015

    Observations of sediment transport on the Amazon subaqueous delta

        Sediment transport on the Amazon subaqueous delta. A 19-day time series of fluid, flow, and suspended-sediment characteristics in…

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  • Jun202015

    The Amazon River Forest: A Natural History of Plants, Animals and People

      The floodplain forest of the worlds mightiest river, the Amazon river, is one of the last major agricultural frontiers.…

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