Gabriela Merizalderubio
Connectivity and policy confluences: a multi-scalar conservation approach for protecting Amazon riverine ecosystems
Leer másABSTRACT The world is calling for ambitious conservation targets for the Amazon, the world’s largest hydrographic basin, with an…
Gabriela Merizalderubio
The Andes Amazon Atlantic pathway: A foundational hydroclimate system for social–ecological system sustainability
Leer másLa ruta Andes Amazonía Atlántico: Un sistema hidroclimático fundacional para la sostenibilidad de los sistemas socioecológicos Abstract: La extraordinaria estructura…
Gabriela Merizalderubio
Engagement in a Citizen Science Project in the Amazon Basin
Leer másCitizen science is a growing field that has the potential to better integrate citizens’ demands and concerns into research projects…
Gabriela Merizalderubio
Identificación de potenciales zona de desove del dorado (Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii) en la cuenca Madeira
Leer másEl dorado (Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii) es una de las especies de peces amazónicos más amenazadas. En la actualidad, su complejo ciclo…
Gabriela Merizalderubio
Proactively averting the collapse of Amazon fisheries based on three migratory flagship species
Leer másFor Amazon fisheries, migratory species are the most important. They are also now the most threatened directly by some combination…
Gabriela Merizalderubio
The Use of Digital Platforms for Community-Based Monitoring
Leer másEnvironmental observing programs that are based on Indigenous and local knowledge increasingly use digital technologies. Digital platforms may improve data…
Integrated river basin management: A case for collaboration
Leer másIf integrated river basin management (IRBM) is understood to mean co-ordinated planning, development, management and use of land, water and…
The Amazon. Bio-geochemistry applied to river basin management
Leer másThe Amazon. Bio-geochemistry applied to river basin management: Part I. Hydro-climatology, hydrograph separation, mass transfer balances, stable isotopes,…
- AmazCitSci
River basin management: Integrating wetland conservation and wise use into river basin management
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Water resources management in the Amazon Basin: Issues, challenges, and opportunities
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Plano Estratégico de Recursos Hídricos dos Afluentes da Margem Direita do Rio Amazonas: Resumo Executivo
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