Lecturas aguas

  • Dic092024

    River Geomorphology and Fish Diversity Around the Manseriche Gorge, the Last Andean Crossing Is in Peril

      ABSTRACT The transition from the Andes to the Amazon lowland hosts a high biodiversity and currently is facing several…

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  • Nov072024

    Policy Brief: Conservando la Salud y la Conectividad de los Ecosistemas de Agua Dulce de la Amazonía

      RESUMEN DEL POLICY BRIEF ECOSISTEMAS DE AGUA DULCE DEL SPA Resumen de política del Panel Científico por la Amazonía…

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  • Oct162024

    Translating science into actions to conserve Amazonian freshwaters

    Traduciendo la ciencia en acciones para conservar el agua dulce de la Amazonía RESUMEN A pesar de la importancia de…

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  • Jul292023

    Identificación de potenciales zona de desove del dorado (Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii) en la cuenca Madeira

    El dorado (Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii) es una de las especies de peces amazónicos más amenazadas. En la actualidad, su complejo ciclo…

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  • Jul292023

    Proactively averting the collapse of Amazon fisheries based on three migratory flagship species

    For Amazon fisheries, migratory species are the most important. They are also now the most threatened directly by some combination…

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  • Jun292016

    Organic matter and nutrient dynamics in river corridors of the Amazon Basin and their response to anthropogenic change

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  • Jul092015

    Mechanisms of water recycling in the Amazon: Isotopic insights

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  • Jun292015

    Amazon flood wave hydraulics

      A bathymetric survey of 575 km of the central Amazon River and one of its tributaries, the Purus, are…

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  • Jun242015

    Geochemistry of the Amazon 2. The influence of geology and weathering on the dissolved load

      Geochemistry of the Amazon. In the Amazon Basin, substrate lithology and erosional regime (seen in terms of transport-limited and…

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  • Jun162015

    Hydrochemistry and geology in the Brazilian Amazon region

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  • Jun152015

    Studies in Amazonian waters

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  • Jun142015

    The Amazon: Limnology and Landscape Ecology of a Mighty Tropical River and Its Basin

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