Todas las lecturas

  • Mar172023

    Aportes desde la ciencia ciudadana al Proyecto Tortugas de Bolivia en iNaturalist

    Se presenta un análisis realizado en torno a los aportes de observadores que forman parte del Proyecto Tortugas de Bolivia…

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  • Jun292016

    Organic matter and nutrient dynamics in river corridors of the Amazon Basin and their response to anthropogenic change

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  • Jul262015

    Peixes Comerciais do Médio Amazonas: Região de Santarém, Pará.

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  • Jul112015

    The use of stable isotopes in studies of nutrient cycling: Carbon isotope composition of Amazon varzea sediments

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  • Jul092015

    Mechanisms of water recycling in the Amazon: Isotopic insights

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  • Jul092015

    Fish fauna as an indicator of environmental quality in an urbanised region of the Amazon estuary

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  • Jul082015

    A pesca na Amazônia

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  • Jul072015

    The expansion of Arapaima cf. gigas (Osteoglossiformes: Arapaimidae) in the Bolivian Amazon as informed by citizen and formal science

    El pez gigante Arapaima cf. gigas se introdujo en el norte amazónico de Bolivia hace más de medio siglo y…

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  • Jul062015

    Pesca comercial en la cuenca amazónica boliviana

    Pesca comercial en la cuenca amazónica boliviana Las pesquerías comerciales en las tierras bajas de la Amazonía boliviana tradicionalmente son…

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  • Jul052015

    Use of Amazonian floodplain trees

      Amazonian floodplain trees are used for a variety of purposes. Easy access to floodplain forests, the variety of timber…

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  • Jul042015

    Phytogeography, species diversity, community structure and dynamics of central Amazonian floodplain forests

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  • Jul032015

    The várzea forests in amazonia: Flooding and the highly dynamic geomorphology interact with natural forest succession

    Although flooding and the highly dynamic geomorphology influence ecophysiology of trees in Amazonian white-water forests (várzea), information about the extent…

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