Todas las lecturas

  • Jul012015

    Floodable Forests in the Middle Caquetá Region: Characterization and Succession

    Floodable Forests in the Middle Caquetá Region: Characterization and Succession Los Bosques Inundables de Medio Caquetá: Caracterización y Sucesión Inundation…

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  • Jun302015

    Mixing patterns in Amazon lakes

    The diel mixing patterns of two small floodplain lakes, Lago Jacaretinga in the Amazon drainage, and  Lago Cristalino in the…

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  • Jun292015

    Amazon flood wave hydraulics

      A bathymetric survey of 575 km of the central Amazon River and one of its tributaries, the Purus, are…

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  • Jun282015

    Relationships among nitrogen and total phosphorus, algal biomass and zooplankton density in the central Amazonia lakes

      The relationship among concentrations  of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus  (TP), algal biomass (Chl) and the density and size …

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  • Jun272015

    Deforestation and conservation in major watersheds of the Brazilian Amazon

        Deforestation and conservation in major watersheds of the Brazilian Amazon. Conserving natural vegetation cover is of critical  importance…

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  • Jun262015

    The Amazon. Bio-geochemistry applied to river basin management

        The Amazon. Bio-geochemistry applied to river basin management: Part I. Hydro-climatology, hydrograph separation, mass transfer balances, stable isotopes,…

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  • Jun252015

    Observations of sediment transport on the Amazon subaqueous delta

        Sediment transport on the Amazon subaqueous delta. A 19-day time series of fluid, flow, and suspended-sediment characteristics in…

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  • Jun242015

    Geochemistry of the Amazon 2. The influence of geology and weathering on the dissolved load

      Geochemistry of the Amazon. In the Amazon Basin, substrate lithology and erosional regime (seen in terms of transport-limited and…

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  • Jun232015

    Seasonal catch distribution of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), Characidae in a central Amazon floodplain lake: implications for sustainable fisheries management

          Tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier 1818), is one of the largest and most commercially important freshwater fishes in…

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  • Jun222015

    Man, Fishes and the Amazon

      Exploring in depth such specific areas as local food taboos, methods of preparation of food dishes, statistics of protein…

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  • Jun202015

    The Amazon River Forest: A Natural History of Plants, Animals and People

      The floodplain forest of the worlds mightiest river, the Amazon river, is one of the last major agricultural frontiers.…

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  • Jun192015

    The importance of forest cover for fish richness and abundance on the Amazon

      Flooded forest is one of the most important fish habitats in Neotropical rivers, and one that is increasingly subjected…

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